Article: Resolutions That I Have Made For My Skin

Resolutions That I Have Made For My Skin
Team Gush wishes you a very Happy New Year! 💖
While 2022 taught us a lot of things it especially taught us to take better care of our health and our overall being. Here are easy resolutions I have made for my skin this year 🌟
1. Using Skincare Infused Makeup Products
Makeup vs skincare is canceled, and we now only stan skincare-infused makeup instead! Why invest in skin care separately if we now have makeup that nourishes our skin? With Gush it is possible! Gush really cherry-picks actives that really work for our skin, and level up the products with clean, science-backed, and skin-soothing ingredients like Hyaluronic Acid, Avo Oil, and Antioxidants. All so you always look and feel good!

2. Eating and Maintaining a Rich Diet
I have a confession to make 🤫 Every time I have attempted to eat healthily, I have never ever been successful with it. But besties, we are going to stick to our resolutions this year! We all know the huge role that our diet plays when it comes to our skin. While most of us have ignored that and always blamed our skin care products for the breakouts it is high time that we finally start taking our diet seriously.
3. Sunscreen! Sunscreen! Sunscreen!
My laziness has made me skip sunscreen before stepping out a number of times. But the skinstagram has made me realize how important SPF is. In 2023 we are not stepping out before putting that thick layer of sunscreen on!
4. Big No to Makeup That has Harmful Toxins
In 2023 I will be investing in cruelty-free and dermatologically tested makeup products that would be safe for my skin. It would have been impossible to keep up with this resolution till last year but not anymore as we have Gush now! When Gush says clean, they really mean it. No asterisks, no secrets, no nasties or sneaky T&Cs, and no harmful formulations. ❌
5. Removing Makeup Before Sleeping
Sleeping with makeup on after a long day has already done a lot of unwanted harm to my skin barrier but not anymore. I am going to fight that laziness and remove that makeup before tucking myself in bed! 😴

May 2023 be a great year for us and for our skin too! 💖
Article written by Gunita
Team Gush 💖