My saviour AKA DART ITS!<3
Hi Bffs! I am interning here at Gush and I wanted to share with you my acne experiences and what’s helped me!
So here’s the deal, I’ve been acne prone my whole life, well for as long as I can remember! Whether it's genetic or hormonal or both IDK! I’ve done everything for it! And I will continue too! My experience has taught me a lot on how to take care of it and right now I don’t have any acne! Knock on wood. Thank you! So I wanted to share a trick or two I picked up on this journey! 💖
I don't know if any of you noticed but during the pandemic, you might have had more acne? It’s simple why: your masks! They protected us and still do! So of course we should always wear them but they also cause a lot of issues for our skin. Masks can cause irritation to the existing pimples and clog your pores even further! I used to throw away 2-3 masks a day cause I did not want the bacteria back on my face! I know that's horrible for the environment! And I hated it! I got a ton of OCD about my skin and this and learnt a few tricks! 🤩
Tip 1: Invest in good cloth masks! These irritate the skin less while providing protection!
Tip 2: Wash these masks regularly, I mean every single time you wear them, literally!
Tip 3: In case you can't or prefer the disposable masks, that’s also perfectly fine, probably better for COVID-19 protection. What you do is invest in about 10 of these and rewash it everytime you wear it and you can also keep flipping sides! I followed this and it made such a big difference and made me feel okay cause I was not putting so much waste into the environment as these take forever to degrade!
Tip 4: This is a good one and kind of an ultimate- use acne patches! This was my saviour! Here’s how! It protects, heals and soothes your pimple while also protecting bacteria from getting on the mask and then back onto your face! It also makes it safer to re-use the masks!

It’s a solid solution! Of course, keep washing the masks and your face but this was my saviour! Today, I stepped out with GUSH DARTITS under my mask! And say I remove my mask for any reason? It's so darn cute, and looks fun!
NOW Available on gushbeauty.com!
I hope this helped you guys<3
Stay Gushing!
Team Gush