Why Vegan Lipsticks Are Better!
Reasons to Make the Switch to Vegan Lipsticks,
Even if you're a carnivore. Let's be real here, we all know that lipstick is amazing.💖 There is a very good reason why the word shines brightly in juxtaposition to other makeup products. Even if you don't regularly wear makeup, likely, you have at least SOMETHING in your bathroom cabinet for those days when you want to take extra special care of your appearance.
Lipsticks are one of the most popular cosmetic items out there — and with a huge selection available, it's easy to see why they're so beloved. So much love can sometimes lead to overlooking what makes some lipsticks so incredibly awesome!💄
Nowhere is this more obvious than when it comes to choosing vegan lipsticks. That's right — many brands still include ingredients like beeswax and lanolin, which of course, come from animals.😳 It doesn't have to be this way, though! More and more companies are producing veggie lipstick that leaves out these cruel ingredients, which means you can be kind to humans AND animals!

Just to make sure you know the difference, Cruelty-free means that the product was developed without any tests on animals, while vegan means that the product does not include any animal-derived ingredients. Here’s a chart that shows exactly what I mean and more!
Check for the vegan and cruelty-free certifications when you’re buying products.
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