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Article: What Does Vegan Beauty Mean?

What Does Vegan Beauty Mean?

What Does Vegan Beauty Mean?

It’s the same as your vegan friend telling you about their diet! 

It simply means our makeup products do not contain any animal or their byproducts in it! 

We are also cruelty-free to boot!

Common animal-derived ingredients found in beauty products include honey, beeswax, lanolin (wool grease), squalene (shark liver oil), carmine (crushed-up beetles), gelatin (cow or pig bones, tendons or ligaments) & allantoin (cow urine). 

We believe in what’s better for your skin and you! But also, the environment! Which is why we formulate with ingredients that have only been sourced with love and none of the harm! 

With vegan beauty, we use naturally-derived ingredients along with important additives to prevent them from spoiling! As this is best combination there is! 

We’re all for being a beauty brand that aligns with your personal values and love empowering you by being transparent with our ingredients so you can continue questioning and researching what you buy, fully informed as a conscious consumer. 

Thanks for your time besties! Until next time!

Happy Gushing!!!


Team Gush <3

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